Keeping Roads Clear Day and Night

Your DPW Storm Team is responsible for plowing all town roads, public facilities and town parking lots during the winter.

Our plow operators are on call 24/7 during storms to remove snow and ice, often working through the night so you can get where you need to go the next day.

Storms bring difficult conditions and limited visibility, so we appreciate your help.

  • Parking

    Remove vehicles from the roadside shoulders so drivers can clear the area the first time through.

  • Roadways

    Wait 2 to 3 hours after snow has stopped falling and until the roadway has been plowed before cleaning out the end of your driveway. Our drivers can’t plow the roads without depositing snow into your driveway.

  • Storms

    Storms create limited visibility, so place things like mailboxes to USPS specifications and other items at the maximum usable distance from the roadway pavement. Click here to view the USPS mailbox specifications and guidelines.

DPW does an amazing job keeping York’s roads clear.  I’m always impressed by how well they remove the snow and maintain the best possible road conditions during storms.”

Lynn Osgood, York Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Get answers to our commonly asked questions or download our Storm Tips Guide in our Documents Center.

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