DPW Truck Fleet Readied for Winter
This past week, DPW completed outfitting its fleet of heavy-duty trucks with their snowplows and side wings in preparation for the arrival of winter.
Road lights and salt spreader systems on the trucks were also cleaned, checked, and tested as well as studs added to tires to increase traction on icy roads.
DPW reminds residents that severe weather updates and parking bans will be posted on our social media outlets and on our website this winter.
Annual Jersey Barrier Installation
In preparation for the frequent and sometimes destructive surf surges during the winter months, DPW crews installed heavy-duty, concrete jersey barriers along sections of Long Sands Beach last week.
This preventative measure helps protect existing road surfaces from pounding surf, block rocks and debris from washing up onto the road and shield vulnerable areas where the new seawall has not yet been constructed.