York’s Department of Public Works held its annual Hazardous Waste Day on Saturday, October 26 at the Recycling Facility on Witchtrot Road and the results were nothing short of impressive.

A steady procession of residents who signed up for the event began to arrive before 9 a.m. to dispose of unwanted pesticides, varnish, lacquer thinner, old gasoline, aerosols, adhesives, and more.

Awaiting them at a designated disposal area was a highly organized team of DPW crew members, volunteers, and personnel from Tradebe Environmental Services who were ready, willing, and able to help safely dispose of any hazardous waste.

From old, dented gas cans filled with mixed fuel to greasy containers of harsh solvents, each item was carefully handled and disposed of into several specially lined bins or industrial 55-gallon drums.

The resulting day’s tally included ten drums filled with liquid hazardous waste, almost as many cubic yard containers brimming with thousands of pounds of potentially toxic materials and a large dumpster filled with assorted debris.

DPW wishes to thank everyone who helped make this year’s event such a success and welcome feedback from residents who took part in the event.