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Make sure you have the most current brochure: 2024 – 2025 is Blue.

Next determine your collection day by locating your street, here.

At least one day before your regular collection day, please call Casella at 207-560-9442 to notify that bulk items will be put out.

Items available to be picked up curbside include: wooden & plastic furniture, mattresses, small appliances (such as: speakers, VCR’s, toasters, etc) and large plastic toys.

Items not approved to be picked up curbside include: TV’s, computers, and large appliances.

Please note: there are some roads where they will not pick up bulk items. However, you can call Casella and tell them you will put your bulk items at the nearest intersection where they do allow bulk pickups.

Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm year round.

Yes, permits are required to access the facility. They can be purchased at the Clerk’s office in the Town Hall.

The cost is $25.00 annually for residents and $100.00 annually for commercial stickers.

The Permits are valid from July 1st – June 30th.

The recycling facility accepts:

  • Home items
    • White goods or appliances
    • Air conditioners
    • Microwaves
    • Fire extinguishers
    • Dehumidifiers
    • Scrap metal
    • Waste oil/antifreeze
  • Outdoor items
    • Leaves
    • Grass clippings
    • Brush
    • Tree wood (no stumps)
    • Lawnmowers
    • Gas grills
    • Propane tanks

The recycling facility is located at 65 Witchtrot Road off of Route 91. Get directions by visiting here.

The following items are accepted at the recycling facility on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

  • Computers
  • Televisions
  • Mercury containing devices
  • PCB ballasts
  • Fluorescent bulbs
  • CFL Bulbs
  • Batteries, including car batteries
  • Please note: Alkaline batteries that were made after 1993 can be thrown in the trash

Yes! It is located behind the used oil/used antifreeze area on the lower level. Simply dispose your common kitchen waste into the plastic lined bins located there.

There are a few options:

  • Eldredge Lumber will accept up to five gallons of paint per person any day. They will accept both latex and oil based paints. However, the paint must be in its original container.
  • Latex Paint: Uncover the can, let paint dry out completely (can expedite the process by adding speedy dry, or kitty litter). When it’s completely dry, place the uncovered can curbside with your regular trash.
  • Oil Based: You can bring these to Hazardous Waste Day in October. To learn more about this event, visit here.
  • Visit Paint Care for further details.

There is an Annual Tire Disposal Day that occurs every April. To learn more about this event, visit the link, here.

Construction material is not accepted for curbside collection. We recommend renting a dumpster to dispose of this type of material.

Please call Casella at 207-560-9442.

Trash/recycling is required to be out by 7:00 am for collection.


  • You may use any 64 gallon or less container.
  • If using a trash can, trash must be bagged inside it (no loose trash) or you may place sealed trash bags curbside.



  • You may use any container 35 gallons or less.
  • Container should be clearly marked as Recycling.
  • Recycling is single stream, therefore it does not need to be sorted.
  • Items need to be loose in container (not bagged).

Broken glass is very hazardous to the workers collecting trash and recyclables.

Please wrap in several layers of newspaper and place it in your trash.

Or, after wrapping it, mark it as “broken glass” and place it next to your trash.

We do our best to get the word out as early as possible.

The announcement will be posted on our Facebook page and TV Channels 1302, 6, 8, and 13.

When trash/recycling is postponed for any reason – it will always be picked up on the following Saturday.

Casella picks up on every holiday except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Trash & Recycling for those days will be picked up on the following Saturday.

To view the calendar, visit the link here.

Hazardous Waste Day is held on the fourth Saturday in October every year. To learn more about Hazardous Waste Day, visit the link here.

Universal Waste Days are held on the first and third Saturday of every month from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm. To learn more about Universal Waste Days, visit the link here.

Major arterial roadways, hills and intersections are often treated before plowing operations begin, usually when 2” of snow falls.

Plow teams concentrate first on major roadways and connectors to move traffic along before heading into residential areas. Each Plow Driver has a specific route that they salt/plow for every storm. Each route takes approximately three and a half hours to complete and crews respond 24/7 to winter events.

Visit the link here to view the mailbox policy for the town of York.

If the homeowner is unable to install a new mailbox, contact York DPW at (207) 363-1010 and we can offer a temporary mailbox until it can be installed permanently.

Our Plow drivers cannot avoid/lift their wing for driveways. Plan on having your apron shoveled or plowed after town plows have come through. Depending on the size of the storm, our drivers normally do a final plowing at the end of the storm.

Residents are allowed to bring up two five gallon buckets to our 115 Chase Pond Road Garage and fill them with our salt/sand mixture.

Yes! The schedule can be found by visiting the link here.

You can submit a service request by visiting the link here.

Private Road residents are responsible for all maintenance on their road. This includes: street signs, roadside trimming, filling potholes/grading, paving, plowing, salting/sanding.

The public roads are maintained by the town or the state.

Speed limits are established by the Maine DOT. To express concerns, you can call York Police Department at 363-4444.

Pin point where the water is coming from and try to gain insight on why it’s pooling.

Private property: Give us a call at (207) 363-1010 and we’ll try to give you advice.

Drainage related issues can include but are not limited to: water puddling in roadway, catch basin needs to be cleared, driveway culvert needs to be replaced, etc

Submit a QAlert by visiting the link, here.