Need to put something in the works?

DPW is responsible for maintenance and repairs for all town roads (and some state roads) and their shoulders including things like lighting and signage and managing vegetation and drainage. To help our residents submit service request we have partnered with QAlert which allows our team track, manage, and complete service requests, and to maintain records based on property, submitter, issue type, and more.

Submit a Service Request

To request a service, visit QAlert and be sure to
include your email to receive updates.

Request a Service


Due to the volume of requests, we appreciate your patience as we answer inquiries. On average we receive about 50 requests per month. For a specific permit or form, visit the DPW Documents Center.

What is QAlert?

QAlert is a web-based software that allows The Town of York to track, manage, and complete citizen service requests, and to maintain records based on property, submitter, issue type, and more.