In addition to daily road and town services maintenance, DPW teams and sub-contractors have completed or will be working on the following projects for fiscal year 2023.

  • Moulton Lane Resurfacing, Sidewalk and Drainage Project
  • Nubble Road Resurfacing, Sidewalk and Drainage Project
  • Lindsay Road Resurfacing, Sidewalk and Drainage Project
  • Seawall Construction Project Phase 3
  • Greenleaf Parsons Road Culvert
  • Ogunquit Road Culvert
  • Long Sands Beach Culvert

What’s in the Works Now?

Mountain Road Bicycle & Pedestrian Project

This project involves rehabilitating and reconstructing the existing gravel shoulders in conjunction with the Mountain Road paving project to widen and enhance Bicycle and Pedestrian safety on Mountain Road.

Approximately 5,844’ of the existing gravel shoulders on both sides of the road have been widened, leveled and base paved. During construction, gravel was added to shoulders where necessary to widen and improve the structure of the shoulder base. Public works crews also cleaned out the existing open drainage ditches along the road and replaced drainage culverts. Recently, slip form concrete curbs were installed in some areas where needed for proper drainage. The last steps for completion include surface pavement, centerline and shoulder striping and landscaping along roadsides.

Click below for updates and information on the major construction projects we currently have in the works.

What’s in the Works Now?

Nubble Road, Sidewalk & Drainage Project

Beginning in early September 2024, Phase 4 of the Nubble Road Capital Improvement Project will begin. From Third Avenue to Shelton Avenue, this project involves removing and replacing all undersized/ failing road culverts and installing a new closed drainage system with underdrain and catch basins on the edge of the road by York Public Works crews. Existing pavement surface will be reclaimed where needed by a contractor with gravel added where necessary to improve the structure of the road base. The new base will then be graded by York Public Works crews and the road will be shimmed and base paved by the Town’s paving contractor. Public works crews will then clean out the existing open drainage ditches along the road. Slip form concrete curb will be placed and a new pedestrian sidewalk will be constructed adjacent to the new curb. Finally, surface pavement will be placed by the Town’s paving contractor and gravel shoulders and landscaping will be completed by Public Works Crews.